Legitimate Survey Sites

You Will Not Make Money on Paid Survey Sites as a living. You may make a small amount for extra spending money, usually what is offered are points that you accumulate for free items. Any company that wants YOU to pay is not legitimate. You will not make a living doing surveys, and no site can offer you surveys for XXX amount of hours. Legitimate surveys use certain criteria such as demographics for you to be eligible to take one, so you cannot take every survey that is offered. And survey sites do screen to exclude "professional survey takers" so they can get a true study from a random population of people. Real paid survey sites pay you, not the other way around. Will you make money? You will not earn a living from paid surveys and other marketing research. You might earn or win some extra spending money, or free or discounted goods or services.

What is Survey Research?
Survey research is a legitimate and scientific process of acquiring data from the public, the information is used to develop new products, improve services and is used by health care providers, the government, businesses and others.

How can you tell the difference between a legitimate opinion poll or research survey, and a business that is trying to sell something?
If you are not careful you could end up providing information that will be sold to third parties, or used to generate contact lists for the sales of all types of products and services. Legitimate survey research companies should never divulge your identity, personal information or individual answers unless you specifically give them permission. Also, they should never sell or give your name or phone number to anyone else. No one should ever contact you as a result of your participation except perhaps to validate your participation

Before you sign up for a market survey or opinion poll, question the survey if they are selling something, or will your participation in this survey result in your name and personal information to be sold to a company who will try to sell you something? A legitimate research company does not try to sell you something. Legitimate researchers and professional marketing and opinion research firms do NOT ask for money or attempt to sell products or services.

Sometimes a survey research companies will offer a gift in appreciation of your cooperation. Such a gift could be a cash donation to a charity, a product sample or a nominal monetary award.

What do you do when a "research company" tries to sell you something?
Such companies are not survey research companies. While selling is not against the law, pretending to be "conducting" a survey, when it is not true, is certainly unethical. Survey research companies don't do this.

A legitimate survey site will ask for more that your name and email address. Read the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy. Read the "About" page for contact information such as company name, address and phone numbers, etc. Look for a privacy seal such at BBB, TrustE or Webtrust on the site. Avoid sites that have vague information about the business or the "about us" or contact page. Do not sign up if the terms of service say you need to complete "offers" in exchange for rewards.

Avoiding scams: scambusters.org
Online advice from Work at home moms: wahm.com

Council of American Survey Research Organizations - CASRO
American Association for Public Opinion Research - AAPOR

Council of Marketing and Opinion Research Association - Cmor.org

ESOMAR (Esomar.org) is the world organization for enabling better research into markets, consumers and societies. With 5,000 members in 100 countries, ESOMAR creates and manages a comprehensive program of industry-specific and thematic conferences, publications and communications as well as actively advocating self-regulation and the worldwide code of practice.
Use your favorite search engine, for example, go to Google.com and type in the search box "consumer opinion panel" or "consumer research panel". Choose one and read terms of service before signing up.

When you join, the membership site the privacy policy should read that they will not share your email address to avoid email spam.

Advice from other contributors:
  • Yes, there are certainly legitimate survey sites. Some of them pay in rewards and some pay in cash. The amounts paid for surveys are typically based on the amount of time and the complexity of each survey. A good rule of thumb for finding "legitimate" survey sites is to avoid sites that charge you to sign up and get paid for surveys. You can rest assured you are not being scammed if the site is free to join and take surveys. The other part of the question is if there are sites that pay "high amounts," which is a subjective term. Survey sites typically pay between $1 and $10 for completed surveys. Most are in the $1-$5 range and take between 5 and 45 minutes to complete.
  • Just always be careful when looking for online sources of income. If they require ANY fees up front, chances are they are a scam, and they just want to run with your money. There are a few companies, called "Get Paid To" industry, where you get paid for completing certain things, such as reading emails, posting, completing offers and so on. In there, you get paid for completing surveys, or shopping online (if you do or anyone else you know shops online, you can get cash back from purchases), or even for trying new products and/or services. The basis of this industry is for these companies to get new leads (customers) and these customer's response to their product/service, to the point they will pay these companies to get them for them. Again, you would have to weed out a lot of them to get to the ones that will actually pay you.
  • There a few that I have tested and used for some time and always get excellent compensation for taking their surveys
  • The ones I know are on the up and up some offer sample products like pizza (shipped in a box with dry ice) crackers, cereal, etc., some offer points for surveys that can be redeemed for cash I have received over $100 in cash so far, some companies not mentioned are a waste of time. Surveyspot, NPDOR, Greenfieldonline, Opinion outpost are good ones. Don't expect to get rich but extra cash comes in handy as well as the free products. I am a HUGE skeptic when it comes to paid surveys and "get paid to complete offer" sites.
  • There are very few online paid surveys, and they are not going to pay money right away. Usually they offer points for merchandise. Any company that require you to pay in in exchange for paid survey opportunities are scams. Signing up for survey opportunities are just one way to capture your email address, and soon your email will be filled up with spam.
  • The best ones there are on the web that are free and are not scams are sites like American Consumer Opinion, and Global Test Market. They pay out in checks and will never ask for any type of card or social security number. What I mean by this... Those ad's that say "FREE TOM TOM GPS", or "FREE XBOX 360" and if you click you have to answer survey after survey and sign-up for some offers, and I have seen someone try to get through it and spent 2 hours, with nothing but a pile of Junk mail to show for the work. I am wondering if anyone has ever made it to the promised land.
  • I have done it and gave up as well.
  • The only website that I have found that actually pays is mysurvey.com. From experience I can tell you that I have received numerous full-size products for sampling and testing, actual cash and have generally found their staff to be quite pleasant. You are rewarded points based on the surveys you take, referrals, product sampling, etc... No, you will not be able to run out and purchase a new Bentley by doing on-line surveys. Typically, I save all of my points till the end of the year for a little extra holiday money which is usually between $100-$200.
  • I am a HUGE skeptic when it comes to paid surveys and "get paid to complete offer" sites, but honestly the following ones have enabled me to generate a great amount of extra money. The most important thing is to never get discouraged if you start out slow. Those surveys will add up over time, and doing them from more than one site at a time really increases your income. Have fun!
  • Advice: Lot of programs are scams. beware from them and don't waste your time.
  • To add to what he said there are sites that take some effort doing surveys for points. Then you trade the points for Prizes.
  • There are many companies that will pay you cash to fill out their surveys. The trick is to find the right companies that offer the best payments and can be trusted to actually pay.
  • It is definitely possible to earn extra money by participating in online surveys. At first it will take a lot of time and effort to set everything up, however it is still very doable and there is a lot of money to be earned. The great thing about doing paid online surveys is that it is a legitimate way to make some extra money.
  • Before signing up with any survey company, it is important to check them out.
  • Yes, there are certainly legitimate survey sites. Some of them pay in rewards and some pay in cash. The amounts paid for surveys are typically based on the amount of time and the complexity of each survey. A good rule of thumb for finding "legitimate" survey sites is to avoid sites that charge you to sign up and get paid for surveys. You can rest assured you are not being scammed if the site is free to join and take surveys.
  • You would need to educate yourself more to understand what the genuine sites are.
  • Please read their Terms of Use very carefully. There are many Survey sites that will give you the surveys, but when you reach the payout terms they will pull your earnings. When you contact them to ask why they did this and if you're lucky you will get a reply. The reply usually states that you did not sign in as often as they required and the other main reason they use is that you were found to be a fraudulent account. There are other reasons such as you did not complete the surveys according to their "tricky terms" and this means that you did not use the proper descriptive words.
  • Be very careful and stay in contact with the survey sites management. Start a dialogue with them so that they get to know who you are. Ask them to confirm your account - ask them if your "sample" review was appropriate, and if you do not receive a reply that will be your first hint they may not be willing to work with you.
  • If you find they are working with you, and seem legitimate you must review their payment systems very carefully. If you are depending on using PayPal for payment you may want to contact PayPal to see if the survey site is actively following PayPal's Terms of Service. If you tally up earnings for the survey, and they state they pay via PayPal, and later PayPal finds them to be at fault they will hold all monies and you will not receive payment. PayPal does not except every site so be careful to make sure PayPal is aware that the survey site is using them as a payment option.
  • Do searches on Google and Yahoo using the Survey sites name. You will see both negative and positive feedback on the survey site. Also be very careful because owners of the survey site could be posting for "themselves" in forums to trick others.
  • NO!!! trust me on this, i have wasted over $4,500.00 looking for one, and they are all scams!!!! stay far far away from them, easy money is not easy or free, you are better off working for your money the hard way unfortunately, you will have a better chance at the lottery if you want to gamble your money away.
  • Some Of Companies may be scam but all companies are not scam. Because that companies has also many benefits of the Surveys of their products and services. what We peoples should always be careful before involving in surveys Or any Online jobs. before doing all these we must read there term and condition carefully :) For Not to become next victim of any Online jobs
  • You can make money online doing surveys, you just have to filter through the cr@p though.A lot of sites offer opportunities of surveys but want YOU to pay up front.
  • First things first with Surveys, you're not going to be able to pack up your current job doing these alone, they can however provide you with a nice supplementary income IF you are prepared to spend some time joining the companies and setting up your profile and then actually completing the surveys.
  • In order to make any decent amount of money you need to join quite a few companies to ensure that you are receiving a regular supply of surveys into your inbox.

Online Legitimate Survey Sites:


Nielson Netratings
Pinecone Research
American Consumer Opinion
Mindfield Online
IPSOS Survey Panel

20/20 Research


Surveyhead.com which is owned by United Sample- only 1.5 years old, but meets all ESOMAR and CASRO requirements.

Refer to links below for listing of survey sites

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