Search Engine Optimization Tips

Submit Your Blog to Major Search Engines


Your first job after building your blog is to submit your blog to the major search engine. The crawler will come to your blog and index your site to their database. It will be helpful for you to get some extra free organic traffic from search engines.
Submit your blog URL to the following major search engines:
Do not think that submitting your URL to search engines will boost your blog traffic tremendously. It will take time and you have to apply some SEO techniques to get free traffic to your blog.  You will learn everything step by step.


Top Sites to Drive Traffic to Your Blog



Traffic to your site is the key to be successful in internet marketing. It depends on how much unique visitor you can get to your site/blog.  You may be astonished to see the millions of visitors are visiting some sites like Problogger, DoshDosh etc.
Though getting traffic to your site is not so easy, but if you can use the following traffic driven sites, you can easily distinguish where your blog was and where it is now.

Ebooks Directories Submissions:

If you are expert in your niche, do not waste your time. Start writing an eBook for your readers. If You don’t have enough time, then You may make a eBook combining few hot topics. Now submit that eBook to the following directories:

Blog Directories Submissions:

People search for blog post in the blog directory. Basic link building for blogs begins with listing them in blog directories. Submit your blog the blog directory and when you check your blog traffic for the day. It’s the submissions that bring in the traffic you want to see increase.
Here are some popular directories worthy of your consideration:
1. Best of the Web Blog Search: BOTW’s Blog Directory is very selective and only lists aged and valuable blogs.It’s PR is 7. So a link from BOTW will be very helpful for your ranking.
2. Bloggeries: It is the best categories and subcategories home page on the internet. The layout is clear and concise.
3. It is a free human-edited blog directory where you can submit the RSS feed of your blog.
4. is very impressive and is free to list your blog.
5. Blog Search Engine: It is one of the most selective Blog Directories on the web.
6. Blog Catalog: It is a vast directory of categories. It offers convenient member access through simple blog registration.
7. Blog Universe: It is the perfect place to promote your video or podcast themed blog.
8. Bigger Blogs: It will boost your search engine ranking.
9. Bloggernity: It’s pleasant design is eye catching.
10. Bloggapedia: Its innovative categories and a colorful design has made this blog directory a hit.

Social Networking Sites for Marketing your Blog

Almost every blog now has a way to share posts on multiple social media sites. Posts are submitted multiple times to Twitter, Digg, Facebook, Google buzz and Stumbleupon.
Here are some social bookmarking sites which you may found helpful:
  2. Blinkbits
  3. Blinklist
  4. Blummy
  5. BookmarkTracker
  6. Diigo
  7. Foxmarks
  8. FreeLink
  9. Furl
  10. ChangeToLink

Article Directories Submission

Submit your most popular posts to major article directory. Think once again where to submit your articles. Check the PR and Alexa ranking of the article directory. Otherwise This will bring no benefit to you.
Here are some great sites for article submission:
  1. Ezinearticles
  2. GoArticles
  3. Ehow
  4. ArticlesBase
  5. list of Article Directories

Proven ways to increase your Alexa rank


Alexa ranking gives us an idea of the amount of traffic a website gets. It provides a lot a lot of information about that particular site. It updates its rank every day on the basis of daily visitors. The small the number, the better rank you have.  Advertisers usually advertise in good alexa ranked sites. So every webmaster wants to increase his site’s alexa ranking. Here I will share few tips of mine that worked for to increase my alexa ranking.
I had registered my blog on 11 June, 2010. My domain age is only 2 and half months. I used to keep record of my Alexa rank and my competitor’s Alexa rank regularly. Within this short time, my Alexa rank drops from 1,17,6816 (on July 14, 2010) to 2, 44,582 (Today). Whereas, the Alexa ranking of my competitors were as follows on 14th July, 2010:
Competitor A: 91,618 (BD-550)
Competitor B: 1,27,228 (BD-826)
Competitor C: 4,37,319 (BD-4168)
Competitor D: 1,824,017 (BD-20,962)
Todays update of ranking of my competitors is given below:
Competitor A: 76,652 (BD-514)
Competitor B: 1,05,698(BD-919)
Competitor C: 4,23,868 (BD-4131)
Competitor D: 1,824,017 (BD-20,962)
I am really satisfied with my rate of increase of my Alexa ranking. I am especially satisfied with high ranking at my country. I have a plan to get inside the Top 100 sites in our country. Within very short time, I am going to catch or cross my competitors.
increase your alexa rank
The above statistics gives you a little bit about the rate of increase of your site. In general, when your ranking is within five figures, the rate of increase of your ranking is very slow. If you follow the tips properly, your ranking increase rate would be steady. You will get good result in the long run.
Alexa rank in brief: Alexa is web Information Company. It is the sister concern of world’s giant shopping site Amazon. Alexa ranking is based on the amount of traffic a website gets from the number of people who has web browsers with Alexa toolbar installed. It is the main weak point of this ranking system. That’s why most of the people don’t trust Alexa ranking. Alexa also gives value to the backlinks of a website.
If you make money from your blog, Alexa rank is very much important. The advertiser values those site with good alexa ranking. Check out ShoutMeLoud. There are tons of advertisers competing at BuySellAds to give ads in that blog. It’s because of his good alexa ranking. That means he is getting lot of visitors. An advertiser has no access to your site statistics. They can predict how much traffic you get by checking your alexa ranking.
Getting good alexa raking takes time. Here are few tips which can be followed to increase your Alexa ranking within very short time.
Download alexa tool bar: Your first and foremost job is to download and install alexa toolbar in your browser. You can also check the alexa rank of other sites while browsing. You can Repeatedly visit your blog from your browser to get maximum visits to your site.
Invite your friends to use Alexa toolbar: Your friends must be visiting your blog most often. Tell them to download and install alexa toolbar to their browsers. Tell them to review your site in Alexa. It really helps.
Get Review of your blog: Getting review is plus point of increasing your alexa rank. It really helped me. I used to convince my friends to review my site at Alexa. I noticed tremendous increase of my ranking withing one day of review.
Display alexa widget in your blog: It really helps you for better ranking at alexa.
  • Click here and build widgets for your blog.
  • Just copy the source code.
  • Create a new “Text widgets” and paste code there.
  • Finally place that widegets in your desired location. You are done.

Do blog commenting: When you place a good comment at least it draws the attention of the owner of that blog. He may check out your blog. On the other hand you may also get some free visitors to your blog from the readers of that blog. As usually, every webmaster has alexa toolbar installed in their browser. So there is a great chance of increasing your alexa ranking.
Forum posting at webmaster or SEO related forums: You can do more and more forum posting in webmaster and seo related blog. Use your blog as a signature with your desired anchor text. I personally do minimum 10 posts daily on different top forums like DP, WebmasterTalk etc. I get small amout of referred visitors from those sites every day.
Be patient: Don’t dream to increase your alexa ranking overnight, it needs time to achieve good rankings in ALexa.
Please do share your tips to increase your alexa ranking?

List of Dofollow blog


Every blogger wants to get some linking juice from dofollow blogs. For that reason, I have screened out some great sites for you by their PageRank and Alexa ranking.
What is a DoFollow blog list?
Now-a-days, blogging has become a very significant source of financial gain on the internet. A blog lives on the amount of traffic that it yields from different sources.  Search engine is the main traffic source. For getting traffic from major search engine, your site must have high SERP. To achieve high SERP for a particular keywords, you must have more and more backlinks from different fellow site similar to your niche. Do follow has come up as a novel way to provide you backling from other blogs.

Do follow is an HTML attribute, which is used on links to give “votes” to that site. The attribute works during the posting of blog comments, wherein it tells the search engines that it should follow the links to other web sites. For instance, if you have a backward link from a site that has a Google PageRank of 4, some of that PR will be shifted from their website to your website page they linked to.
That site must have a CommentLuv/ KeywordLuv plugins activated.
What is CommentLuv?
This is a wordpress plugin, that adds a link to the latest post of the comment’s author.  It makes nofollow link dofllow.
What is Dofollow list?
A Do Follow list is a list of blogs, which have Do Follow attributes on their blogs.
Outline of the list: “URL – Google pagerank – Alexa ranking ”

I will try to add as much as I can. Have I missed any important site?
Please let leave a comment with that site. If your blog is dofollow please let us know.




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